Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pregnancy update

I have officially reached what they call the half-way point--20 weeks. I don't really buy this, though, because you don't even know you're pregnant the first 4 weeks. I had an ultrasound this week, and everything looked great. The baby was measuring 1-2 weeks ahead of my due date. I'm not really sure if this means anything, except maybe a big baby. (Of course, the doctor kept saying Benjmain would be big, and he was average--7 lb, 8 oz.) I try not to think that the measuring ahead of my due date means that I'll deliver early. August will already be a very long month! This was the ultrasound we could have found out the sex of the baby, but we're choosing to wait again. This annoys our control-freak friends, but I think it gives you something to look forward to as delivery time approaches. Besides, of course, meeting the baby!

I've been having high blood pressure issues, but it was closer to normal last time I was at the doctor. All of the numerous tests I had to take came back normal, so that was good news. Now I know what older people who are always at the doctor feel like! Hopefully my blood pressure will continue to stay near the normal range.

I've been feeling the baby move for about a month now, which is so exciting! I felt it a couple weeks earlier this time than with Benjamin. Jonathan's even been able to feel it several times. I must be starting to look fairly pregnant to other people now, because yesterday a mom at the park asked me if I was pregnant--always a brave thing to do, in my opinion! Benjamin has also been making comments whenever he sees me without my clothes. He looks at me, and says, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy." This is usually followed by, "I have a baby in my tummy, too!" Occasionally, he also tells Jonathan that Daddy has a baby in his tummy. Not sure this really boosts Jonathan's self-esteem!

Anyway, there's the update for all who are interested!

A few more Easter shots

Here's Benjamin finding his Easter basket. He was so excited to get the tool box to go along with his tool bench. He loves working on projects. One of his favorite projects is fixing the leaky faucet.

Finding Easter eggs outside--much more successful than at church!

Dying the Easter eggs. Benjamin loved this, but it was definitely hard to wait for the eggs to come out!

Is it ready yet?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter egg hunt at church

This is supposed to be fun?! Standing in the cold rain, looking for plastic eggs?

Before the Easter egg hunt, Dad had a prayer. Benjamin tried to fold his hands and hold his bucket, but then realized he had to set his bucket down in order to fold his hands.

Benjamin found about six eggs...

...and then he just wanted to play with the toys.


Uncle Jonny and Aunt Sarah came for a visit over Easter weekend. We had a great time with them. Jonathan even preached on Good Friday, so that gave the other Jonathan a break.

Just messing around

Visiting a state park on Monday

Still digging in the sand with my winter coat on, but who cares?

Flowers--yawn! Can't we go back to the beach?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter egg hunt

We went to a state park for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday. It was packed, so Benjamin had some problems finding eggs. He found a couple, and then the older kids started emptying their eggs of candy. Some of them were throwing the empty eggs on the ground, and Benjamin thought he hit the jackpot then! He was even picking up broken, cracked eggs. It was cute to see his excitement.

No eggs yet!

A small sampling of the crowd.

We weren't sure how Benjamin would react to these large bunnies, since he's never really been around these kinds of things. I figured he'd be afraid, since he's such a cautious little guy. But, no, he wanted to go say hi to the bunnies, and go pet them! This picture, by the way, was taken by a newpaper, so we'll see if he makes it in. (And, no, we aren't "those" parents, who over-dress their child. It really was chilly out, even if you can't tell by looking at the other kids!)