Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Football video

I don't think anyone in our house will be joining the NFL anytime soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My boy of routine

That would be Benjamin...definitely not Paul at this point! Benjamin has become so routine. We have our waking up routine...come into our bedroom to snuggle, get milk, read stories in the living room, eat breakfast. All of this with Daddy. The mornings when Daddy has to leave early, before Benjamin's up, do not always go well. Sunday morning he came into our bedroom to snuggle, and he took one look at Paul and me, and refused to get into bed because Daddy wasn't there. So, it was into the living room to read stories. Of course, Paul then woke up and wanted to eat, so that was a disaster!

We have our mid-day routine. Eat lunch, get ready for a nap by reading two stories and singing "Jesus Loves Me." One of his shades has be to half-way down, the other closed, while we are reading. He then pulls down the shade before I sing. See what I mean? The other day, I had to feed Paul in between eating lunch and putting Benjamin down for his nap. He freaked out--cried in his bedroom the whole time for me to come and read him stories. See what I mean about routine?! What two-year-old begs to be put down for a nap? Side note--Jonathan is doing a Bible study on disciple, and the DVD said something about toddlers never wanting to go to bed. Not true with ours! He has, on more than one occasion, told us he wanted to go to bed or take a nap. Yes, we count ourselves blessed!

And I could go on about the bedtime routine also, but you get the idea...he likes things the same! That being said, he has done very well with our new addition. Of course, he's gotten upset over less attention, but overall, he's been good for a two-year-old!

Some of the things Benjamin loves right now:
  • Trucks
  • Daddy's day off (He knows it's Monday!)
  • Reading books--especially, Berenstien Bears, Arthur, Clifford, Richard Scarry, Little Critter, toddler Bible, John Deere books
  • Playing outside, although lately he says he doesn't want to go outside. Once we get outside, though, he doesn't want to come in!
  • Playing ball, especially baseball and golf
  • Milk
  • Chocolate
  • Most fruits and veggies--How many two-year-olds ask for seconds of broccoli?!
  • Snacks (Perhaps I'm to blame for this--I've been snacking all the time for almost a year now, between being pregnant and nursing! And if Mommy has a snack, Benjamin has to have one too!)
  • Sesame Street
  • Visitors
  • His blankie
  • Pretending he's someone else--chances are if he's seen or heard about you in the past few months, he's pretended to be you!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Photo shoot

Awhile ago I was trying to get a sweet shot of Benjamin giving Paul a kiss on the head. I had to bribe him with fruit snacks to even try it, and this was the result...

...oh, well, maybe another day!

A few shots for our admiring fans

Go Cardinals!

Ready to go out for a walk

Child labor at its best!

Mmmm...tasty! We think we may have another finger/thumb sucker on our hands. Paul loves to munch on his fist, but can get frustrated because he can't get his thumb or finger in his mouth how he wants it. (I thought maybe he was hungry at first, but that didn't seem to be the case.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Some videos

Here are a couple of videos so those far away can see the boys. Nothing exciting--just everyday stuff! Wish all of you lived closer so we could see you more! Know that we think about you, talk about you, and pray for you. =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Getting ready to carve the pumpkin

Daddy can go first

Okay, my turn!

The actual carving

This is getting boring!

Finished product

The night before Halloween, we went "trick or trunking" on the green in town.

There were over 100 cars, so we didn't make it to all of them. But, Benjamin did a great job of saying, "Trick or treat" and "Thank you."