Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Iowa Pics

Aunt Rachel and Paul

Morning floor time--James already thinks Bella talks too much! Takes after her mother and father.

Yep, there's a baby in there!

Grandma and Paul

Quick, somebody set the timer! Everyone's happy!

Uncle Jonathan and Paul

Watching Jacob play Division 1 baseball via webcast.

Impromptu visit with Great-Grandma in Toledo--the half-way point!
(See story below--I know the pictures are in the wrong order.)

More Iowa Pics--Time for dinner!

The strap was missing from the high chair, so Grandma had to be inventive.

Also great for hanging monkeys!

More Iowa Pics--Stroller ride

Nothing like a stroller ride to the park to wear you out!

Well, two out of three isn't bad!

More Iowa Pics--Bonding with Grandpa

Playing Uno--did not last long!

Grandpa pulling weeds

Benjamin pulling "weeds"--or grass!

Iowa trip

Three babies and a 3-year-old--crazy, but fun!

Our trip to Iowa two weeks ago was fun...until the stomach flu hit! Benjamin, Paul, and I flew out to Iowa for my mom's spring break. Rachel and Bella got to come also, and Jonny, Sarah, and James spent a few days there as well. We had a good time visiting, playing with new toys, going to the park, and eating (without having to cook!) =) Then I got the flu right before we were supposed to fly home. Long story, short--Jonathan DROVE out to Iowa in one very long day to pick us up, since there was no way I'd be able to fly home by myself with the boys. We took two very long days to drive home. Just in time--the flu hit Jonathan a couple hours before we got home. Definitely an adventure we will not forget!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stuff that makes us smile:

  • When Benjamin is whining, and Paul smiles at him. And Benjamin says in all seriousness, “It’s not funny, Paul!” (Oh, but it is!)
  • Benjamin in his undies
  • Paul’s smiles--they involve his whole body. His face lights up, and his arms and legs move a mile a minute.
  • The adoring look that Paul gives Benjamin most of the day.
  • The determination of Benjamin when he’s trying to do something difficult all by himself.
  • Eating chocolate chip cookie dough
  • The five minutes after putting both boys to bed. (Before exhaustion sets in.)
  • Canceled meetings
  • Warm, sunny days, and being outside
  • A good night’s sleep--or at least the memory of one
  • Singing with Benjamin
  • The ocean (and most other kinds of water--pools, waterfalls, baths, showers, sinks)
  • Naps
  • Hanging clothes on the line
  • Homemade blueberry muffins
  • Watching Benjamin participate in church
  • Benjamin’s questions, such as, “Mommy, why does Daddy like you?”
  • Reading books
  • Daddy’s day off
  • Rocking Paul
  • Clean sheets
  • Being held
  • God blessing us with a wonderful family

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pics of Paul

We've started adding some veggies to Paul's mealtime. Some days he can't get enough. Other days, he just wants a few bites.

This picture says it all--the swing was definitely a hit! I have a feeling he'll be spending a lot of time here and the park swings this summer!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Mom's attempt at making a fire truck cake.

Thanks for all of my great presents!

We celebrated Benjamin's birthday on Saturday with just our family. We had one of his favorite suppers--hot dogs/hamburgers, mac & cheese, and green beans. And, of course, cake for dessert! Jonathan has given up dessert and sweets for Lent, but he made an exception for the birthday. (He said he didn't want to be too legalistic!) Sunday we went to an indoor water park after church. We all had a great time playing in the water. Except Paul--he had a great time snuggling with Mommy in the 84 degree temps! It was a bit of a shock to go outside and see snow coming down! It was a good weekend--hard to believe our baby's already three!