Thursday, May 27, 2010


Borrowing our high/low from sem Monday night Bible studies--here's mine for the day:

LOW: Discovering that Pull-ups do not hold diarrhea. Benjamin now has the stomach bug that Paul just took a week to get over. Won't this be a fun few days?!

HIGH: Witnessing Benjamin give Paul his first kiss from his big brother. It was so sweet--he went right over to Paul and gave him a peck on the cheek, and of course, Paul gave him the biggest grin. All witnessed on the sly--Benjamin mostly interacts with Paul when we're not watching.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend in Wisconsin

Last weekend, we flew to Wisconsin for a college friend's wedding. It was a reunion of sorts for 6 out of the 8 in our group of friends. Hard to believe it's been 10 years already! My parents also came up from Iowa to babysit the boys. It was so nice to be able to stay out late and enjoy time with friends.
Jonathan finds a partner who isn't taller than him! =)

Benjamin, Hannah, and Naomi (My roommate, Sarah's girls)

Kat and Rob, the happy couple

Trying to get a group shot

Sightseeing in Milwaukee

Sunday after the wedding was a gorgeous day. After church with my parents, we took in a few of the sights...

a walk along Lake Michigan,

cheese shop,

brunch at a delicious German restaurant.

Saturday morning before the wedding, we went to the zoo with my parents and friend Sarah and her family.
Checking out the elephants

Taking a rest

Nothing like a lot of walking to tucker a guy out.

Paul's first swim

Think we have another fish?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's never too early to have chores...

I've been sick lately--bronchitis and a sinus infection. I'm doing better than a week ago, but my cough still lingers...yuck! Jonathan's helped out with boys more than usual. Thank you, Daddy! At the end of one day, he said, "I think I held Paul more today than I have all of his other days combined."

The boys have also had to pick up some of the slack...


and vacuuming.

Don't worry, though, it's not all work!
Still some time for baseball...

and veggin out with a snack!

Look out, world!

Paul has started to get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, or scootch backwards. He doesn't have much patience for being on his stomach, though. He gets frustrated pretty easily, so it still might be awhile until he's actually crawling.