Benjamin: "You know, teachers are like moms."
Me: "That's true. They take care of you while you're at school, and can help you if you get hurt or need something."
Benjamin: "Yeah, except teachers work a lot harder than moms."
Me: "I don't know about that. I've been a teacher and a mom, and I think it's harder work being a mom. It's more fun, but harder."
Benjamin: "No, it's harder work being a teacher."
Me: "Why do you think that?"
Benjamin: "Teachers have a lot more kids to take care of."
Once again, lesson learned--don't argue with the logic of a 4-year-old.
Paul has also been entertaining us with some of his sayings.
"I do it by self!" Spoken like a true toddler.
"We will, we will, rocking chair!" His own version of Queen.
"That make noisy!" When something is noisy.
"That car has a spoiler." Yes, he really knows what a spoiler is.