Monday, June 30, 2014

Grandma and Grandpa visit

Jonathan's parents came for an almost 2-week visit the day after school was out.  We had a fun time doing some sight-seeing in the area, as well as two overnight trips to Toledo and Holland/Grand Rapids.  Jonathan and I also had a chance to get away one night to celebrate our anniversary.
Here it's time for some baseball in Uncle Buck and Aunt Eleanor's back yard.

At the Dutch village in Holland.  The boys were just the right age for the small rides and activities they had there--ferris wheel, zip line, carousel, slide.  They wanted to do these railroad cars several times.

We went to Fredrick Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids.  There was a pretty big children's area.  I thought this water play area shaped like the Great Lakes was really neat!

Giant horse sculpture in the gardens.

Watching the fish.

Dunes at Van Buren State Park.

Sunset in our back yard.

Strawberry picking--grandma, the boys, and I picked 20 lbs while the men golfed.  I made jam, bread, pie, strawberry lemonade, salad, and froze some of them.

If you look closely, you can see a butterfly on Benjamin's shoulder.  This was in a butterfly house at a nature center close to our house.

Happy Father's Day!  Benjamin was the only male who stayed awake that afternoon!

Movie star glasses!  Rumor has it they really improve your golf game!

Paul's new accomplishments

Paul learned to ride with no training wheels!  He picked it up very quickly one afternoon!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Paul and Mommy

Some pictures of Mommy and Paul time while Benjamin was at school.  We try not to have too much fun, so Benny doesn't get jealous and say, "It's not fair!"

Picnic at the beach!

April and May Activities

When I realized that Sarah had already updated their blog with new baby pictures of one-week old Daniel, I thought I better quit slacking!  =)  We have been busy with end of the year activities lately.  Paul's last day of school was Thursday, and Benjamin's will be this coming Wednesday.

These were pictures at a children's museum in South Bend.  Benjamin didn't have school on a Friday, so we went there, and had the place to ourselves.

Our food packing event at church was a great success!  We raised almost double our goal.  Benjamin and Paul are in the front of this assembly line--they have the striped shirts on, of course! 

Benjamin has been playing baseball this spring, and loves it.  His only complaints are that the games aren't long enough, and he has to wear pants when it is hot out.  He is playing on the Cardinals and Jonathan is an assistant coach.

We went out to eat for Mother's Day the Saturday before.  We had gone for a bike ride and gone to the beach before that.

This is Mother's Day--Jonathan was teaching them how to do the dishes.

Here is Paul on his field trip to a children's museum.  He is pretending to be a vet.

Grandma, Sarah, and her new baby, Hatti, while we were visiting at Angela and Brian's house.

Paul with his teacher on his last day of preschool.  They got a little certificate, and then we had a picnic and played outside at the school.

Friday, Benjamin had a field trip to the zoo.  We were all able to go along.  Paul and Benny got up the nerve to brush some goats.

Here they are watching the white Bengal tiger--they were very excited to see him out walking around.