Saturday, September 13, 2014

Our Garden

With help and advice from a couple local farmers, we tried our hand at gardening this summer.  We planted raspberries and strawberries--for next year.  We also planted tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, and watermelon.  We had a bumper crop of cucumbers and tomatoes.  We had just enough green beans, watermelon, and peppers to eat as they ripened.  Jonathan tried his hand at making pickles, and I've been making spaghetti and pizza sauce like crazy.  Jonathan also makes fresh salsa every few days.

Picking the first green beans.

Almost all of our watermelon have been very sweet!

Just a small sampling of the tomatoes, on two different days.

Paul standing by our accidental "planting" of pumpkins.  We threw our old jack-o-laterns from last Halloween into this pile of old trees, sticks, and shrubs behind the church shed.  We've got several very good-sized pumpkins growing there now.


Influenced by watching the World Cup, Benjamin wanted to play soccer this fall.  These shots are from his first game.  His team didn't score any goals that night, but this morning, Benny made the first goal for his team! 

End of Summer Shots

Grandma and Grandpa visited us over Labor Day weekend.

We made it to one last concert on the beach.  Beautiful sunset that night!

Lighthouse in Michigan City, IN...where Jonathan was supposed to get on the train to meet his brother.  He got the time wrong, and we had to drive him, but we did get a nice walk on the beach before that!

Guys' Weekends

Jonathan has had some "guy time" recently.  He went to St. Charles for his high school's first season football game.  His football coach came out of retirement to coach again, and Ryan thought it would be cool to go see the first game.  So, Jonathan drove down there, and stayed with David.  They all went golfing the next day before he came home.

Last weekend, Jonathan and David went to Milwaukee to see the Brewers play the Cardinals.  They spent the night in Milwaukee, and then came here.  David was able to stay at our house for a couple days.