Thursday, May 3, 2007

Showing off my smiles!

I love listening to Daddy talk to me! I give him so many smiles and talk back to him. He is just so fascinating!

Life is good! I've got a full belly!

Hurry up and put some clothes on me Mom! It's freezing with just this towel!

This was the hotel room we stayed at for the pastor's conference in New Hamphsire. It was so nice to get away, and it was such a beautiful setting. We had a lake right outside our room. It was gorgeous watching the sunrise over the moutains and the lake. Yes, Benjamin continues to keep us up at all hours of the night. =)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Wow! That's a really nice room! We didn't get anything nearly as nice at our conference!
I'm loving the smiles...I wish I had seen some while I was there!