Sorry it's been so long since the last posting! The website wasn't working, we had company, and then we were sick! =( But enough of the excuses. Benjamin is offically crawling now, and getting into much mischief! Everyday he lets me know I need to move something else higher. Today it was the calendar hanging on the fridge. He is also pulling himself up to standing with anything he can grab. He loves it when we lay on the floor on our side, and he can use us to pull up. Lately he's also been letting go and balancing on his legs for a few seconds.

I LOVE paper in any form! No one lets me near it for long, though, because I eat it.

Pulling books off my shelf is so much fun!

Oooo! DVDs!

Sorry, Mom, the magazine rack will not work here, either. Nice try, moving the exersaucer in the way! It was okay for a short time, but I'm really smarter than that.

My favorite room in the house!
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