Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Benjamin James

Someone who was cleaning out closets gave us this 50 states puzzle. Benjamin loves to do it, and right now will usually put it together about 3 times a day. He more or less knows all of the states by name and shape. Hopefully he'll remember this geography when he needs to know it for school! The other day he was pretending to be Tiger Woods, and he had to go pick up a bike in Texas. He said it wouldn't take too long to get there, because he just had to drive through Alabama and Louisiana (from Florida, of course). I was amazed--he only left out Mississippi!

Benjamin continues to love cars. Car races are also an everyday occurrence. Paul joins him, of course. They sometimes can work out their squabbles without my intervention, which is nice. (Paul usually gives in to Benjamin. I guess he is the boss, as the big brother!)

Benjamin had his 4-year-old check-up this week. He's in the 50% for height and weight. He weighs about 35 lbs, and is 41" tall. He had to get several shots, but was pretty brave about it. It went much better than his 3-year-old check-up, when he cried the entire time!

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