Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I haven't taken any pictures recently, but we've been keeping busy.  Last Friday and Saturday, we were in the Catskills area of New York looking at a church where Jonathan has a call to be an associate pastor.  It was nice to visit and get a feel for the church and the people.  A lot to think and pray about...

Last Sunday we went to an indoor water park and hotel.  It was Jonathan's Christmas gift to the family. Benjamin loved it!  He went down the smaller water slides, played water basketball, and went on the lazy river.  Paul was a bit more hesitant about the whole experience.  It didn't help that he got dumped on by the giant bucket within five minutes of being in the pool.  He was okay with the lazy river, because he sat on my lap, and he liked just being in the pool and trying to swim.  Also, since the boy has no body fat, he was shivering almost the entire time!  Jonathan and I got to go down the big water slides a few times.  Benjamin has been taking swimming lessons, so he was excited to show off his swimming skills to Daddy.  Last week, Benjamin swam halfway across the pool at swimming lessons.  He was very proud of himself!

I'm going to start volunteering in Benjamin's class on Monday afternoons.  Yesterday was my first time.  Benjamin was so excited to have me there.  As I was working with his math group, he said, "Mom, you're being very encouraging!"

Both boys like school once they're there, but both would rather stay home and play.  Lately, Paul has had tears every school day morning.  He always says, "Mom, pick me up short."  His teachers say he seems to be fine at school, so I don't know what the tears are about.

Funny story about teaching Sunday school this past Sunday...We had a guest preacher, and his daughters came into my Sunday school class.  The first grader wanted to know why my husband was shorter than me.  Her older sister said, "Because that's the way God made him!"  It was the tone, like, you should know this kind of thing by now!  I said that his parents are short, too.  She was surprised that I had met his parents, and then thought I was pretty lucky for getting to go to Florida.  After a little time had past, she said, "You know, I think he's probably shorter than you because he doesn't eat as much as you do!"

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