Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Potty training

Well, I've finally decided to earnestly work on the potty training. Benjamin has really shown very little interest on his own, so I'm forcing the issue. He's a few days away from three years old, so I think it's time. Today wasn't bad. We put the undies on this morning. He had two accidents, and five successful "tinkles." He got a reprieve this evening, since we went to church for Ash Wednesday service. So far, I tell him to sit on the potty. He hasn't voluntarily done it, or said he has to go. He said he's ready to do it again tomorrow, so that's good. =) Not that he has a choice!

1 comment:

Family means the world to us. said...

Becky, when i potty trained my boys, I put cheerios in the potty and had them aim at them. Another way is to put up a paper and when he goes in the potty, he gets to put a sticker on the paper and afte 10 times gets a reward. Good Luck!!