Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall in New England has begun. The leaves are starting to change, and it looks to be a beautiful fall because of all of our recent rain.

Benjamin and I went for a stroller ride on the trail near our house yesterday. He actually had to walk and/or run for the majority of it. Only a snack could entice him into the stroller.

Then we had to go down by the water so we could throw rocks in, and watch them go "plop."

Today we went to a nearby farm with some families from the church daycare. We went on a wagon ride, pulled by horses. It's mainly a dairy farm, so we saw a lot of cows.

Here's a shot of the wagon. We also got to see some goats and horses. The most exciting thing for Benjamin were all of the tractors. He very badly wanted to "drive" them. We also saw some shovels, rakes, saws, and brooms in the barn--all very exciting things!

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