Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our first hurricane

Hurricane Irene swept through our state Saturday night and Sunday. We didn't have church Sunday, since the governor wanted only emergency vehicles on the road. (Apparently, that includes the news media!) It was very rainy and windy--it came in bands. It would settle down for a bit, and then pick up. The wind wasn't unlike a thunderstorm wind, only it lasted for 24 hours. We were very fortunate that only branches from the trees fell--nothing large and nothing on the house. We also thought we were going to make it through the storm with our power. However, it went out 10 p.m. on Sunday night, after the hurricane was basically past, but some wind still lingered. We were some of the fortunate ones, because our power came back on last night. So, we were only without power for 24 hours. So many are still without power, and they've been told it could be a week before their power is restored. One day was enough of an experience for me, especially since we have no water without power!
The clean-up crew

We spent Monday morning picking up the many sticks that fell from the trees. The boys thought it was a great game.

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