Saturday, February 4, 2012


No new pictures to share--I haven't taken any lately. Last week, the boys were sick with a nasty cough/fever bug that's been going around. By the end of the week being cooped up in the house, I thought we were all going to lose it! This week, though, has been much better. We've had some warm weather, and even went to the park one day. Everyone is happier when we can play outside! I do have another video to share, though.

Jonathan and I don't get it, but we're glad they can make each other laugh!


Kathleen said...

Sounds like their laughing about dinosaur diahrrea at one point. Would make sense for boys to be laughing about poo. :o) Too cute!

Our Baby Boy said...

Sigh! Boy humor--unfortunately, I don't think they ever outgrow it!