Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fun pictures

This must be my lucky day! Mom let me play with a wire whisk and a measuring cup! She's been holding out on me. I don't know where she's been hiding these toys all of this time!

I'm ready! Throw that bale of hay at me!

I think they're trying to poison me! Mom's squash tastes nothing like the stuff from the jar!

I love drinking water from a cup. I usually need a little help from Mom, though--I haven't gotten that tipping thing down yet.

How can you resist this cuteness?!

How much fun is this?!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I LOVE the pics Becky! He such a cute, goofy smile that seems to be all his own (the raised eyebrows, eyes wide, open mouth...) SO adorable!!