Thursday, February 25, 2010

Six months old

Paul turned six months old this week. Hard to believe! For his half birthday, he decided to sleep longer than he's ever slept before--almost nine hours in one stretch! I blame it on getting his shots the day before. He certainly hasn't given us a repeat performance! He now weighs 17 lb, 6 oz, and is 27 1/2 inches long. That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. It's funny that everyone always comments on how he's such a big baby, when his weight is just average. Jonathan says it's because his head is on the large side. (True.) And he does have a pleasant amount of baby rolls! =) Chubby babies are so adorable!

Paul has been rolling around like crazy. I've had to start watching what's on the floor before I lay him down. I'm afraid we're going to have to sort through the toys pretty soon, and put the smaller ones out of reach. Won't his brother love that! We got the high chair down out of the attic the other day. "We have a family of four around the table!" Jonathan commented the other day. We're ready to start Paul on some fruits and veggies. Just waiting for Jonathan to be home at the right time. He wants to witness the reaction. Paul now has three of his bottom teeth, and he's working on a fourth. I wasn't expecting any more so soon after his bottom two came in, but that certainly explains the chewing on the pacifier so much. I'm excited for Paul to start drinking out of sippy cup, so that he can get liquid from another source besides me! I'll definitely start encouraging it sooner than I did with Benjamin. About 95% of the time it isn't an issue, but there certainly have been a few occasions when a bottle would have been nice! I never understood when moms would say, "He won't take a bottle." I thought, just stick it in his mouth. After Paul, I understand. And when I'm the person who would feed him the majority of the time, it really isn't an issue, anyway. So, I've gone on long enough with this post too. Hope you've enjoyed the updates!


Dori said...

Wow, things have sure been BUSY at your house, what with all the baby rolling, the potty training ups and downs, and the new teeth and possibly soon some solid(ish) foods for the little guy. Whew! How do you keep your energy up with over there with so much going on???

Unknown said...

oh my goodness, Becky - I understand 6 months of nothing but boob.
God Bless You and your amazing body!