Monday, April 19, 2010

Benjamin has really been into coloring lately. It's been nice to have something to occupy his attention when he needs to sit quietly, like church or restaurants. It really came out of the blue. When we would go to story time at the library, he would be the first to finish the craft--just a few scribbles and he was done. Last time we were there, he was the last one at the table, and he would have kept coloring, if he could have.

Paul has been enjoying his outside time, too. I'm glad he's pretty content to watch from the stroller.

He can't wait until he can play golf with the big boys, though!

Paul's had a rough few weeks. He's gone from cold to fever to cutting teeth to runny nose, back to cutting teeth. He's got his four top teeth coming in--one has poked through, but the other three are still taking their time. Needless to say, he's been quite crabby lately. Poor guy!

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