Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who says rainy days are boring?

Getting ready for summer--Benjamin was pretending to be Grandma L., and was jumping into our swimming pool.


Dori said...

How fun--what an imagination that Benjamin has!! Looks like he is doing an awesome job of playing pretend all on his own. Have you tried to nurture his creativity/imagination through the things you do with him/the ways you parent? Because I hope to be able to help teach our kids (someday) to have a really good imagination and to use it, but it seems like it can be a tough thing to "teach", per se . . . I'm not sure how one does that. Any suggestions?

Our Baby Boy said...

I've found this is really one area you don't need to "teach." Kids, especially at this age, are so creative naturally. They love to pretend--you just go along with it, and encourage them that way. There isn't a day that goes by that Benjamin doesn't pretend he's someone else. Lately, we've been the Berenstain Bear family. If I accidently call him by his name, he immediately corrects me--"It's Brother Bear!"

Dori said...

LOL Benjamin sounds like a funny little kid! Thanks for the thoughts/advice.