Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our boy Paul

Our baby is now 10 months old. We were just at the doctor, and he weighs 19 lb, 9 oz and is 30 inches long. So, he's at the 20th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height. His big accomplishment for the week has been crawling. A few days ago, he just woke up and finally figured it out. I say finally because he seemed on the verge of crawling for quite awhile. Now, he's motoring all over the house. This morning he crawled from one end of the house to the next--the living room to our bedroom. (Granted, our house is only about 1000 square feet.) He's also pulling up to standing. I had forgotten how many things they can get into once they're this mobile!

Paul is eating table food now. After he got over the stomach flu, he wanted nothing to do with baby food. It seemed he was eating more than Benjamin those few weeks after the flu--making up for lost calories, I guess. He's putting those eight teeth to use!

Paul is still infatuated with his brother. And now he can actually try to get to him, even when Benjamin tries to move out of reach. (Benjamin still doesn't like to be touched by his brother.) Paul is clapping now, and sometimes waving "bye-bye." He has developed that wonderful thing called stranger anxiety. Just in time for summer travels and company! His sleeping has gotten much better, but still isn't great. At least it's not out of the question that he might sleep for longer than 30 minutes at nap time, or 9-10 hours at night. =) We are enjoying our older baby--hard to believe he'll be one in two months!

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