Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sick of being sick!

After these past few months, I feel well on my way to earning my nursing degree. I've had a lot of practical experience; enough to know I never want to go into a career in the medical field! It seems like we've had one cold or flu bug after another. I can't even remember the last time we were all healthy at the same time! Today Benjamin woke up with an ear ache. He has his first ear infection. The doctor was amazed that he's gone three years without "getting sick." Meaning, he's never needed antibiotics. "What a healthy boy!" she said. I guess, looking at it through her eyes, we are pretty fortunate. We've just had your run-of-the mill sicknesses. I should really count my blessings. It was over three years of being a mom before having to clean up puke for the first time. Thank goodness--I don't handle it well! A few parting shots...

"It's so beautiful outside! Tell me again why we can't go out to play?"

Eating meals off the "sick tray" makes things just a little bit better.

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