Friday, August 31, 2007

Getting bigger...

Six months old!

We've given Benjamin squash and sweet potatoes, so far. He did not like the squash, but loved the sweet potatoes, after he got used to them.

What in the world is this?!

Sitting up all by myself!

I'm not too steady yet, but I can last for a few seconds.

Look at this, guys!

How'd I end up over here? I've been all over the living room these days. I'm not crawling yet, but I can move pretty quickly by rolling and scootching.

Time for a real bath! Mommy and Daddy had fun watching me get in the bathtub for the first time. I'm still not real steady yet, so they're going to hold off a little bit longer until next time.

1 comment:

vicki said...

Benjamin - You're getting so big!! I'm sending you your own dishes and silverware and some pj's to keep you warm this winter. Can't wait to see you again!! Love Great Grandma W